Professor Henri Joyeux
Who is the professor Henri Joyeux

- French Oncologist surgeon (Born in Montpellier, 1945)
- Oncology and nutrition specialist
- Lives by Hippocrates’ maxim: “Let thy food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food” (Hippocrates 460 BC – 377 BC)
- Professor at University of Montpellier Medical school
- Author of many general-interest educational books in field of human health
- Supporter of organic nutrition and breastfeeding
- Independent of financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry and political parties
Interviews of Professor Joyeux:
In English:
- Nutrition explained. Prof Henri Joyeux with JJ Bourdin, ( with English subtitles)
- Henri Joyeux interviewed by actress Sophie Marceau (with English subtitles)
In spanish:
- “Cambiad de alimentación”, el superventas saludable del oncólogo Henri Joyeux – La Vanguardia 19/12/2014
- “Alimentación y cáncer: comemos demasiada carne” – El Mundo 02/09/2017
- “Dime dónde quieres tener cáncer y te diré cómo te tienes que alimentar” – Cadena SER 06/09/2017
- Henri Joyeux: «¿Quieres un cáncer? No comas verdura, come mucha carne y no hagas deporte» – La Razón 26/09/2017
- “Dígame dónde quiere tener un cáncer y yo le ayudo” – La Vanguardia 01/11/2017